I’m One of the muses, A common wood nymph roaming around Parnassus, Happy with my little sweet pea. With her delicate, fragrant flowers Carried on long, slim stalks, She captivated me. I ran to her flaming with desire. I am flaming. Burning Blazing with desire. Too hot for my sweet pea. Because she’s so delicate, So delicate for me. As I touch her, she transformed into ashes. I burnt her. And out of a haze, you were formed. Like smoke given out by fire. A fireweed that sprang up in the burnt over area. A replacement, I thought. You quenched my thirst. Suffuse my hunger. My desire. I came to you for a crown And you gave me a kingdom. You made me eat on a golden plate And drink from your cup of diamonds. But like a common pitcher plant, Cut your base open And there you’ll find my body’s remains trapped inside. A pitfall in the middle of the forest. I will name you Venus? The goddess with a seducing brilliant red trap. Open to all beings that needs nurturing. Show your bosom and all will crave for your milk. From a butterfly, you turned me to an ant. When I brushed only slightly against your skin, You closed within an instant. Rigid spines on the margins of you blades interlock tightly. As soon as I was trapped, You digested me. Used me as a nutrient material. I know this is about to last for only a week. By the time your leaf reopens, You’ll be reedy for other sufferers. Trapped inside, I accepted my fate. Then there she came one spring day. My little delicate sweet pea. Now a spring beauty in full bloom. A low perennial herb. With narrow, succulent leaves And loose cluster of white and pink flowers. But your leaf has closed. I cannot escape.

Before I Take my Test  


Some rantings/ test before I take my exam on Sunday..XD

So... It's three days more before I'll take my Licensure exam. And then, four days more before I'll start writing fanfic again.YEY!!!! even though I really want to write, I can't put it in words... It's seems like I've forgotten all my English lessons on grammar after I've graduated. LOL... I can't decribe what I want to describe, even if it's just a sentence... (Blame the "pressures" around me.)I can't even read a single fic from Kata or iluvatarin lately... What happened with The Cursed Gift II? I miss those days when I just read and read and read...and comment... on FANFICS...XD

So after that, it's back to normal for me... And when I say "normal" it means "FANDOM-ing" and fic writing. So until that day... Just wait.

I leave you with something... I saw this test on my friend's blog. It's really cool. I know most of you doesn't know me... so I hope this test will give you new information about me... Hehehe... I'll let you know the answer (with some explanations if you want.XD) after you've taken the test...XD

Create your own Friend Test here

And here's another one... The Seme and Uke thing... If I'm correct, it's the same for yaoi and yuri pairings right? I've taken the test (courtesy of my friend's blog again)and IO've learned that.... I'm a clueless UKE!!!! Hehehe..Take the test too... It's really fun..XD

You are a Clueless Uke!

Having a good time is what you're all about. You're satisfied just to have someone to eat hamburgers and play video games with, and are completely oblivious to other's manipulative behavior. You don't expect much, and that can be a good thing. You're perfect prey for the Opportunist Seme, who might take advantage of you, but you probably won't even notice, or really care, as long as you're enjoying yourself.

Most compatible with: Opportunist Seme, Romantic Seme

Least compatible with: Sadistic Seme, Don't Fuck With Me Seme

What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at SemeUke.com, or find merchandise here.

See you after September 28!XD

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