I’m One of the muses, A common wood nymph roaming around Parnassus, Happy with my little sweet pea. With her delicate, fragrant flowers Carried on long, slim stalks, She captivated me. I ran to her flaming with desire. I am flaming. Burning Blazing with desire. Too hot for my sweet pea. Because she’s so delicate, So delicate for me. As I touch her, she transformed into ashes. I burnt her. And out of a haze, you were formed. Like smoke given out by fire. A fireweed that sprang up in the burnt over area. A replacement, I thought. You quenched my thirst. Suffuse my hunger. My desire. I came to you for a crown And you gave me a kingdom. You made me eat on a golden plate And drink from your cup of diamonds. But like a common pitcher plant, Cut your base open And there you’ll find my body’s remains trapped inside. A pitfall in the middle of the forest. I will name you Venus? The goddess with a seducing brilliant red trap. Open to all beings that needs nurturing. Show your bosom and all will crave for your milk. From a butterfly, you turned me to an ant. When I brushed only slightly against your skin, You closed within an instant. Rigid spines on the margins of you blades interlock tightly. As soon as I was trapped, You digested me. Used me as a nutrient material. I know this is about to last for only a week. By the time your leaf reopens, You’ll be reedy for other sufferers. Trapped inside, I accepted my fate. Then there she came one spring day. My little delicate sweet pea. Now a spring beauty in full bloom. A low perennial herb. With narrow, succulent leaves And loose cluster of white and pink flowers. But your leaf has closed. I cannot escape.

Cosplay Mania  


Some random rants about the event that I went to yesterday.... Hmmm, I should make a comedy oneshot of this in Fangirl world... or as an omake... or a flash back... I wonder who will play as 'me'... AHAhaha..XD

So yeah... I'm posting another real life experience in my supposedly fic blog.. To lazy to post... or even open my LJ account so please bear with me..LOL

I really didn't plan to go there in the first place but my former- office mate begged me to accompany HIM.. Yes, he's a HIM and I wanted to laugh at him for 'that' characteristic of his.. I could rant about the many times that he made me the frontman..a.k.a, the one who always asks somebody for directions and stuffs... Take note, I'm an introvert person...before..XD

Back to the story, so we went there even before the opening of the mall.. and then when we went inside, I saw my friends who's addicted to JE.. yeah, and we 'inserted' ourselves in front of their line... not minding the stares of the persons behind them.. We took pictures and yeah... ranted about the latest stuffs happening in the JE world (Ryo and Yamapi's H1N1 news, new Ohyass J-drama, etc). And then I usually talk about anime and j-rock to my office mate so he will not feel 'left-out'. We entered the venue and directly went to the Johnny's Stall to buy some stuffs. (Actually, I'm there for the cupcakes.. the first 50 persons will have a cupcake.XD) I bought "Young Song" with TegoMass as the cover.

Then, after buying it (more like after eating the cupcake), my office mate and I went around to look for some shirts and anime/j-pop DVD's or CDs. And then that's the time when my office mate saw who I really am...

To my office mates, I'm a thrifty person, not spending much on buying stuffs.. or foods, etc... unless it's something related to Japanese culture. So yeah, he was really amazed at how I find Morning Musume stuffs in the vast display of various CD's like I have some radar of some sort. At first I saw three CD's through the thick crowd and it's a good thing that I have company... he's the one holding it for me while I search for other cds... talk about having a servant... XD

So yeah... then , we ate lunch... watched some band performing anime songs and buy some more before going back to the JE booth and resting for a while... And then, went back to that previous stall where I bought Momusu CD's to look for more, (my readar tells me that there's more to find) and behold... I found another three!!!

After a while, we went outside the venue to our branch in that mall to visit our manager before. He's our favorite among others. We talked a lot and took some pictures... and then I called our branch asking whether I could come at around 5 instead of 4 in the afternoon. I'm a team leader so as much as I want to be absent that day, my responsible self told me that it's a big no-no. I hate that characteristic of mine sometimes... Anyways, before I go to work, I went back to the venue and celebrated Kanjani 8's Anniversary!

Flailed at the Eito Stuffs, ate another round of cupcakes, meet some new friends and bumping into some old friends. Even though my legs ached for too much sprinting and running, even though I was fifteen minutes late for work, it's still worth while for me. Why? See the pics and judge..XD

I really enjoyed that event... and so, look forward for the next update of Fangirl... whether it's the next chapter or just an omake, I'll make sure I'll insert my experiences in there.XD

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2 comments: to “ Cosplay Mania

  • yushiro909
    September 15, 2009 at 6:59 PM  

    wah! lucky you......argh! i really want to go to japan and buy morning musume stuffs.....(ahem) and anime......@sulking@

    update the fan girl author-san! hehe

  • cogi_yoshi
    September 16, 2009 at 1:39 PM  

    yeah..me too... I want to go to Japan too... but for now, the second-hand items are enough for me..ahahaha.XD

    I'm trying to connect the cosplay mania experience to it instead of making a oneshot in the 'fangirl' world..so yeah..please bear with me...LOL

    oh yeah... I'm slowly seeing your comments in my past posts...XD


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