Takagaki OPV- So Close
Not much but I made a TakaGaki OPV... I don't know why but the idea came to me two weeks ago? Not sure about the date but it was during one of my breaks and I was watching Dora the Explorer Tour from afar while I was listening to Jon McLaughlin's So close... and suddenly, I wasn't watching Dora anymore but a tear-jerker TakaGaki 'possible' fic... possible coz I can't write too much drama..I'm still not good in that area..so yeah... Just sharing this one..Sorry about the subs!I haven't downloaded the RAW file.XD
October 8, 2009 at 3:51 AM
ZOMG I'M IN LOVE! AND IM NOT FICKLE! AI LOVE AI AND RISA IN THIS VIDEO! Even though it's butchered by the lack of kisses and groping it's still nice, cute and beautiful. ahh, young love <3
it's sickeningly sweet. Like molases, only adorable :D
I cant wait for more.
but..... they didn't look very.....
nevermind, I'm sure it's just my imagination.
Now I gtg cause my dentures are making me drool X_X
well not dentures, but I dunno what they're called.
anyway, ciao!~ And they should give out the uncut version, the one where they make out :D <3
Sweeety out.